Friday 25 October 2013

Fun Fact Friday (#12)

Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do your own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.

This week’s five facts:

1.  The average human dream lasts only 2 to 3 seconds.
2.  It takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.
3.  The longest bout of hiccups lasted 69 years.
4.  A butterfly has its taste receptors in its feet.
5.  Raindrops aren’t really shaped like drops; they're actually perfectly round.
Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do you own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.
This week’s five facts:

- See more at:
Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do you own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.
This week’s five facts:

- See more at:


  1. In a previous post you said that we dream about seven times at night. If we dream about 3 seconds only, that means we dream an avarage of 21 seconds per night... how come sometimes I get "tired" of dreaming?

    1. Hmm, that's a good question. I'll get back to you as soon as I figure it out!
