Friday, 27 March 2015

Fun Fact Friday (#58)

Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do your own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.

This week’s five f

1. Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Spongebob, is a marine biologist.

2. The human brain is composed of about 100 billion neurons plus a trillion glial cells.

3. A coyote crossed with a dog is called a "coydog".

4. Animals avoid power lines because they see frightening ultraviolet flashes that are invisible to humans.

5.  Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Fun Fact Friday (#57)

Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do your own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.

This week’s five facts:

1.  New Zealand's Ninety-Mile Beach is only 55 miles long.

2.  Over 20% of all calories collectively consumed by humanity are from a single food: rice.

3.  A shrimp's heart is in it's head.

4.  A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out.

5.  The lifespan of a squirrel is about nine years.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Fun Fact Friday (#56)

Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do your own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.

This week’s five facts:

1.  Every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years.

2.  Only about .003 percent of the water on Earth can be used by humans.

3.  Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days.

4.  Samsung's first product was dried fish.

5.  One-third of first heart attacks are fatal, and another third result in permanent damage to the heart.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Fun Fact Friday (#55)

Fun Fact Friday is a meme hosted by Lettora at I’m Booked! If you’d like to join and do your own Fun Fact Friday, just ask! At I’m Booked! Every week we’ll give you five new, fun facts.

This week’s five facts:

1.  Multiplying 21978 by 4 reverses the order of the numbers: 87912.

2.  Of Mice and Men was originally titled Something that Happened.

3.  The Tale of Genji was the first novel ever written, in 1007.

4.  Charles Dickens called the sickly character in A Christmas Carol “Small Sam” and “Puny Pete” before settling on “Tiny Tim.”  

5.  Dr. Seuss’ full name was Theodor Seuss Geisel. He loved to wear crazy hats to parties. When he was having a hard time coming up with rhymes, he would sometimes put on one of his many “thinking caps” for inspiration.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Happy World Book Day 2015: My Favourite Childhood Books

Hi guys, I’m here to wish you a happy world book day. This event was always a big thing in my Primary and High School and I remember that we would have to choose a book to read, and then dress up as character to ‘get into the spirit’ of things. I thought I’d post a few of my favourite children’s books from over the years.

Double Act, My Sister Jodie, Little Darlings by Jaqueline Wilson

At twelve a lot of what I read was Jaqueline Wilson.  I found her books really engaging and I appreciated how although her books were aimed at a younger audience, she wasn’t afraid to delve into more serious topics such as death, relationships and illness. These are a few of my favourite Wilson books.

Ingo series by Helen Dunmore

At some point I was really into supernatural books and was obsessed with mermaid. The Ingo series is about a girl whose Dad goes missing. At some point she realises that Mer (mermaids) exist when visits the beach near her home. After she and her brother both hear the ‘oceans call’ she befriends a Mer boy who teaches them about the oceans wonders below the surface.

Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie

This is a short-ish novel about a British girl who finds out she was not only adopted, but stolen from her biological American family. The adventure begins when Lauren decides to find out for herself what actually happened the day she was taken from her parents. I really loved this book. This was basically an action type book for twelve year old me and I found the writing really gripping. I was quite literally on the end of my seat as I read it.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney

This series was always just so fun to read. I like how Kinney incorporated comics into each chapter which added to the humor. Of course I had to see the films as well which were just as funny.

The BFG by Roald Dahl

I read anything by Dahl back in the day. Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you name it. The one book that I remember the most was The BFG. I liked the thought of what you’d imagine to be a scary monster to actually be just a friendly giant.  A nice thought for 8 year old me, who had frequent nightmares about the monster that lived outside my window. It turns out it was just a tree branch being blown against the glass, but you would have had a tough time trying to convince me of that back then.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

March Giveaway: Get organised with a Journal [INT Ends: 31/3/15]

First of all congrats to the winner of the February giveaway, Adriana. I hope you enjoy the book!

It's the start of the month which means it's time to kick start a new (international) giveaway! This time round I'll be giving away a journal to help you stay organised. If you want to be in with a chance of winning then enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!