Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. Last year I felt inundated with school work and things so I wasn't as prolific as I would have liked to have been at the start of the year but then things picked up from the summer onwards and I started posting much more frequently and got back into the blogosphere.

Well now it's a new year and another opportunity to be even better so I've set myself a Goodreads reading challenge of 52 books. I don't normally do reading challenges but I thought, why not?

What are you doing different this year?


  1. Happy 2015 to you too! I'm trying to balance reading with my school life, which will probably be a big challenge

    1. I know what you mean, school and reading can be hard to balance!

      Happy New Year. :)

  2. Happy New Year! I didn't make my Goodreads reading goal last year, so am going to try again. Good luck!

    1. Hopefully, we're both successful this year! Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! Good luck with your GoodReads challenge! I kind of cheated on mine last year (I lowered my goal number). I guess it kind of defeats the purpose... whoops. Well, happy reading!

    1. Haha, well at least you kind of completed it. Happy New Year, and thanks for wishing me good luck!
