Saturday, 3 January 2015

January Giveaway: City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare [INT ENDS:31/1/15]

Hey everyone, I thought I'd kick off January with a giveaway so this month I'm giving away a copy of City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. This is an international giveaway and the winner will be announced at the end of the month. Remember You have to be in it to win it so if you want a copy of City of Ashes make sure you enter!

Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go — especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil — and also her father.  (~Goodreads)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I am to City of Ashes in the series so I thought it'd be perfect to enter. Great blog x

    1. No problem, I know this is a popular book so I'd thought it would be good to giveaway.

      Thanks and good luck!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway..Loved your blog and have followed you via GFC! :)

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!^--^
    Love your blog:3
