Wednesday, 25 February 2015

When a Book is Bad: The 7 Stages of a DNF

Have you ever started reading a book but then realised you couldn’t bring yourself to finish it? Was it so boring that you fell asleep? If I start something, I like to finish. But sometimes a book is so boring that I can’t even force myself to read it I don’t normally DNF books, but occasionally it does happen. 

I recently realized I just couldn't get through a book, which is a shame because it's by an author that I like so I thought I would enjoy it. I might do a follow up, half-review post but for now I thought I’d make a little infographic of the stages I go through when I’m reading a book that leads to a DNF:

(Click to enlarge)

If you're really not enjoying a book it's okay to save it for later or maybe even give up on it completely. Reading should be fun and if you're not having fun get a different book. 

Have you ever had to DNF a book? What was it?

*DNF = Did not finish


  1. Hahah I love the graphic you made! I think it sums up pretty well what I went through everytime I feel like not finishing a book. There's always a denial because I don't like giving up books. Even now, I don't feel like finishing The Girl on The Train. I've heard so much about it but the starting was slow and even when I skip chapters ahead, it still fails to entice me. I feel so bored! So, I think I'm just going to move on to another book. :D
    Azee @ UnderCover Critique

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I haven't read The Girl on The Train but I know what you mean, I feel like I'm breaking an unwritten rule by giving up on a book. Luckily it doesn't happen too often.

      Thanks for stopping by. :)
