Wednesday, 15 April 2015

7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Book Blog

So you already know how to start a book blog. But why should you? Here I'll give you 7 reasons why you should start a book blog!

1.       Free books – Duh, why else would anyone blog about books other than to get free stuff.  In reality, although it looks like everyone’s swimming in ARC’s it takes a lot of work to get to the point where you can consistently get free books. Don’t do it for the freebies. Of course getting a book here and there is a nice perk but often you’re expected to write a review in exchange, so it isn’t completely free.

2.       Getting you opinion out there – Reading other peoples reviews are fun but it’s nice to get the opportunity to share your own opinion and see what people think. Do you hate a book that people love? Do you love a book that people hate? Then tell me about it, not only that but you can even help people find a new book to read. Many of the books I read are recommendations from other bloggers and I find the easiest way for me to stay up to date with new and popular releases is through looking at other blogs.

3.       You’ll make friends – Book bloggers are some of the friendliest people I’ve met. They like to help each other out and give each other tips on how to improve. Not only that but they are generally good at having different opinions and remaining amiable. You didn’t like that book that I gave 5 stars? It’s cool, we’re still friends. I know that obviously these don’t apply to every blogger out there book I’d like to think that book bloggers, as a whole, are a pretty friendly bunch.

4.       You’re a writer – I’ve noticed that the book blogging and writing communities often overlap because naturally many writers like to read and readers like to write. If you’re a reader and a writer then book blogging is a great way to get connected with both communities.

5.       Discussions! – I love discussions. They’re just so fun to take part in. You can start you own or join in someone else’s but everyone has an opinion and it’s fun to see what everyone else thinks. You don’t necessarily need a blog to join in a discussion but being a blogger means you can ask your readers questions that you want to hear answers to.

6.       Blogging beyond books - Who says you can only blog about books? Books are just one thing that you like. What about film, TV, music. You can blog about you daily life, maybe something happened that you want to tell us about. Books are great but don’t feel restricted because it’s called a book blog. Write about whatever you want, that’s what makes everyone’s blog different and interesting.

7.       It’s fun – Okay, obviously it’s a lot of hard work. But it’s so worth it. When someone leaves a comment telling me that they liked my article or review or when I get an email telling me that I helped someone find a new book to read it makes me feel good.  You only have to work as hard as you want to so everything is on your own terms. If you love reading books then I’d give it a shot.


  1. Definitely agree with you on number 6! I started out as a book blog but now I'm branching out into film, TV, and travel.

    Great list and I love your blog! :)

    1. Thanks! I love when I see random posts on other people's blogs. Books are great but it's fun to write about other things that interest us as well.

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. This is a great post, this would definitely encourage me to begin blogging if I was unsure! Also definitely agree with 3 and 7!! :)

    1. Thank you!:)

      If anyone is on the fence about book blogging then I'd hope maybe this would give them a push towards it. I've found that 3 is one of my favourite things about book blogging because everyone is so nice. Also, 7 is the main reason I keep blogging, of course. I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. It isn't always fun (like if I'm behind schedule) but the positives outweigh the negatives.

  3. Great choices here! Yes, book blogging is a lot of fun even though it can be some hard work at times as well! Personally I started to do it because I am an avid reader and also a writer myself, like you mentioned some of us doubling up as! I will forever love the free books as well, but I do love buying my own ones as well from time to time.

    1. I like to do a bit of writing on the side just for fun. Also I looove freebies and it's not just that they're free but you can get them well before the release date too. Most of the books I own I bought myself though.
