Saturday, 11 April 2015

Discussion: Too Many Memes

Is it just me or are there too many memes?

I don’t know how other people feel about memes but I get the feeling a lot like them. Now memes can be fun to participate in and I’ve done a few of them myself but what I find annoying is how on some blogs all they do are memes. I mean like every post is a meme with maybe a review sandwiched in between.

When I check my Google Reading list it’s mostly made up of daily memes that everyone participates in.  Because the memes run on set days everyone’s blogs end up looking similar and showcasing the same topics. For some bloggers memes make up their whole content.
I’d take a screenshot but I don’t think that’s fair as this isn’t really about the bloggers specifically, rather that I think sometimes it gets a bit boring seeing the same old thing every day.

I actually think memes are good because it’s a fun way of connecting with other bloggers and it’s a great way of getting regular content. Sometimes I just think it would be good if we did more random posts or maybe discussions (I love a good discussion) that we could all join in to make things more interactive.

I know there are bloggers that already do things like this though, for example: 

Parajukee who writes lots of articles aimed at helping other book bloggers who need a few tips

Nosegraze who blogs about books but also does a lot of graphic design and writes about creating your own blog

Kelli and Asti from Oh the Books who do lots of discussions alongside book reviews

Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?


  1. The only meme I do with regularity would be Teaser Tuesday. Apart from that... not much, unless it's a very, very rare occasion.

    I totally agree there should be more discussion though! I keep meaning to do that, but find myself... not.

    1. I love discussions! I just like how they get everyone involved and talking about a topic. It's the easiest way for me to connect with other bloggers. That and Twitter.

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I agree completely. Some days my bloglovin' feed looks like a big sheet of wallpaper. I rarely if ever read any of them, because it gets boring and repetitive very quickly. That's a shame, because some of the participants are smart people with great style, but that's lost in a sea of sameness.

    I would love to see discussion rather than a mass of single non-interacting statements. Maybe a round robin type discussion. The hosting blog could rotate weekly. Everyone would meet on the host blog and discuss the topic or question of the week.

    1. Exactly, the bloggers are so creative but it's just so easy to get swept up in all the memes and then the same content get's posted over and over.

      By the way, I love your round robin idea! I think that it would be a really fun way to get people more involved. I'd definitely take part in something like that.

      Thanks for commenting. :)

  3. I do think there may be a little bit of the same meme. I've notice a few memes have just started to lose ideas because they do it weekly. I think memes with certain topic sets (Top Ten Tuesday is a good example) should be monthly. Doing it weekly just seems to be a bit overwhelming on both the host and the blogger who wants to contribute weekly.

    1. I agree, I think the frequency that they're posted at lowers the quality because it's hard to find new ideas and to keep up with the memes on a weekly basis.

      Thanks for stopping by, :)

  4. I do think memes are a great way to mix up the content from the usual book reviews, but I do think it become a bit much sometimes, and I especially don't like it when it makes up the majority of the blogs content. The memes that I do enjoy reading are the Stacking the Shelves ones and the Top Ten Tuesdays. I usually ignore all the others.

    1. Yeah, I feel like as soon as memes make up most of the blog content that's when it becomes a problem. I usually spend some time reading the Stacking the Shelves memes so I can see what new books everyone is getting.

      Thanks for commenting. :)
